Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The case for Martyrdom

1.     Going 3 days without a shower and on the 4th day no longer asking my husband to watch the child so I could get 20 minutes to take one but instead telling him very sternly that I WILL be taking a shower, don’t bug me, I’ll be done when I’m done.

2.     Asking for my husband to play with our child in the other room for 30 minutes from 4:30 – 5:00 while I make our little man dinner since the boy's circling my legs and running around in the kitchen while there are hot pots boiling on the stove, hot oven doors, and sharp knives perching on the edges of counters, can maim him permanently, and getting a dramatic sign and a begrudging "Yah, okay."

3.     Trying to take my morning “Big Job” after I’ve had my coffee only to be interrupted by the tantrum unfolding outside my bathroom door because my husband couldn’t keep him out of the area for the whole 5 minutes this would have taken. (This one really gets to me as it happens almost every morning and if you read an earlier blog, this is a simple pleasure in my life that I long for.)

4.     Cleaning up after the kid all day and washing all his dishes, sweeping and mopping the sticky floor only to turn around and see that my husband has made himself a snack which has somehow utilized almost every utensil and bowl/plate/cup/knife/cutting board… everything, You name it and it is all piled in the sink and spread across the counters and crumbled all over the floors while he is relaxing with his feet up in front of the television after his long day.  Ps- Honey, I am NOT the maid! …Urrgggghhh!

5.     Leaving the boys at home together during a pissing winter rainstorm and trying to cram into two hours Christmas shopping, dropping off the dry cleaning, stopping by two banks, hitting Target, two kids stores, and barely buying a coffee to keep running this marathon before the phone rings, “Where are you?”


  1. Well one thing we can be sure of is that men are men wherever you go! I don't have a toddler but can totally relate to the making a mess part! Its like a tornado everywhere he goes leaving destruction in his wake for me to clean up, because yes he thinks I'm his maid!

  2. Oh man...I would be livid! You're a saint girl. I know that you are just venting here, but something needs to change.

    My other half has a lot of faults, but I will give him this: He drives 1.5 hours each way in traffic to work, works in an office for 8 hours (which he is not happy about because we both designed our careers to be in the academic world, not corporate)...and when he comes home, he takes 30 minutes to unwind and then takes care of the baby for pretty much the rest of the night. And he actually enjoys it, playing, feeding, cuddling, cooing. And he is the one to get her to go to sleep (which isn't always easy) Shoot! After reading your post, I need to give my man a big hug!

    When we were contemplating having children. I made him promise that we would have 50/50 child care responsibilities (at the time, we both had full-time, flexible academic jobs). Since he's been at this 9-5 job, I am satisfied with the 75-25 arrangement we have going on now.

    I know that you do a wonderful job with your son. Stay strong and stay positive. If you ever need to vent, feel free to hit me up.
